About Me and This Blog

Name: Mell Enchantress

Age: 29

Was born: Berlin, German, 26 March 1980

Interests: Alviss  sama, MoPo chan and Tenma san

Hobbies: Playing PS2, chatting, cooking, daydreaming, sleeping

Dreams: To be with my beloved people forever

Motto: Never forget faith

Favorite games: Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis

Ar Tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Fes

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Star Ocean 3: Till the end of time

Rank: Tenma san Mind Guardian
Others: 1. Big fan of Alviss

2. Wanna be with Mei forever

3.  Hates anything nasty

4. Gamer!

5. Cannot using hymmnos very well.

This blog’s purpose is only for Alviss sama. He catches my heart from the beginning.

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